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One month and one jar of peanut butter later.

Well, it has been one month since I made the 4,200+ mile journey to my new (temporary) home in Maida Vale. While many experience separation from friends and family when they go to college, this is truly the first time I have been away from home for an extended period of time without the physical presence of my support system.

Don’t get me wrong, I love London in its unusual, unfamiliar way. I like being able to explore a new part of the city every week. The vast, ever changing, contrastingly different sections of the city intrigue and confuse me. How are there so many personalities to one city?

For class we have been asked to define who a Londoner is by talking to locals. Yes there are some similar characteristics, but I have learned that this isn’t something that can be nailed down. London is too broad to define and in turn, a Londoner is impossible to put in a box, kind of like home.

I have come to the conclusion that home is a funny word. Home is usually defined as where you live or the physical structure that keeps you safe from the elements, however I think that is completely inaccurate. Yes, a home does that but it also does so much more. It is where you create memories, where your loved ones are and where you feel connected. I guess the old cliché saying “Home is where the heart is” truly sums it up but if I have learned anything in the past month it is that home is truly where you feel comfortable.

The people I love make me feel comfortable. I like not having to look at a map every time I want to go somewhere. My bed is comfortable.

But as comfortable as that all is, I think it takes being uncomfortable to grow as a person. These last four weeks have pushed me further than I have ever been, both mentally and in locality. And as daunting as that is, I don’t think I could have been more prepared. The way I was raised and the people I surround myself with have allowed me to be successful in my adventure thus far and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I look around at where I could be and realize I have been greatly blessed on the path that I have taken in life.

So until I am home again, hugs and love from across the pond.



Things I miss:

- Panera. Why I didn’t realize that this would be a void before I left is beyond me but I could really go for some Broccoli Cheddar soup in a bread bowl or a BBQ chopped chicken salad (but oh wait, they don’t make those anymore…and clearly I am still bitter about it).

- My dogs. Several of us have had the urge to pet random dogs on the street but have decided that since talking to strangers is socially unacceptable, so would petting their dogs.

- Not having to pay 3% on all credit card transactions…come on Bank of America, pull yourselves together.

(I promise I have been learning things too, I just need to write them down. Have no fear, my next update will be full of knowledge.)

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