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Critique: Alice didn't make it to Wonderland

This week my main design work was for our contest of the True/False film festival that is coming up in March. The theme of the festival is time and the theme Vox wants to incorporate is growing. Time. Growing. Time. Growing…both of these are very abstract concepts and are hard to visualize without the automatic go to of an old, rooted tree.

After some time brainstorming, I started sketching funky looking clocks, which drew me to Alice in Wonderland. I thought, really, could this be more perfect? Time, growth, it’s all there. Even down to the red and black color scheme that is the True/False logo. I felt my design was subtle enough that you could make the growth and time connections without them screaming in your face. Without any content, however, it can be hard to articulate your visions. I played with Q&A style, making the letters resemble the queen and ace cards. I thought the splash page could be Alice when she grew too big for the room or a large melting clock. I wanted the images to be whimsical and corky. Volunteers would be shot from above with their head the focal point of the frame and their feet small. The concept was fun and all Alice themed. Although I wasn’t chosen to design I still had a great time with my theme and am proud of the work I produced.

I also tackled redesigning my resume. My resume is already designed and has every bit of information on it I could possibly need, however I just thought it was time for a spruce up. Because I am going to be applying for big kid jobs soon, the relevance of all the information needed to be pared down and I thought a fresh, more open layout was in order. Stay tuned for the big reveal.

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