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Inspiration: Dorothy.

I'm going to be completely honest here: in a week I probably only screen shot the menu at Alpha Phi and take a picture of my work schedule. My creativity typically stems from an idea or the people around me; enter Dorothy.

My little sister from Big Brothers Big Sisters is one of the craziest kids you will ever meet, and I love her for it. She has more energy than I ever thought possible and she knows way more than she gives herself credit for (or will sit down to make you aware of). Today she taught me how to tap dance in sneakers, how to slither and all about snakes. I know it sounds weird to say this because I am only 22 but this little girl makes me feel like a little kid again. Something about the simplicity of her little world that she is in is amazing. That carefree nature of an eight year old is something I would love to capture, bottle and never get rid of. Today, and many days, she is my inspiration.

(She really likes to take my keys and swing them around her neck. I finally gave up and just gave the lanyard to her.)

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